The Rio Grande Valley's Nature Site

Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon bazochii Life Cycle Study

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On 8/13/2008, I observed a Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon bazochii, ovipositing on a Texas Lantana - Lantana urticoides (formerly horrida) flower.  I collected the flower and egg and began a 31 day life cycle study. 
The caterpillar would eat only the newest of flower parts.  It was never seen on a leaf nor eating a leaf.  Because of the unusual behavior of the caterpillar (eating a burrow and staying inside the burrow for three days), this was a really fun study.

All photos on this site are by Jan Dauphin and are copyright protected and may not be used or published elsewhere without the permission of Jan Dauphin

Texas Lantana - Lantana urticoides is common throughout the Lower Rio Grande Valley and is the host plant for Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon bazochii.


Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon bazochii ovipositing on Texas Lantana - Lantana urticoides at 1349hrs on 8-13-08.


Day-1 (8/13/08) as an egg.  The tiny white egg is at 12 o'clock just below the red "bow tie" structure of the flower.


Day-3 (8/16/08) from when the egg was laid.  The egg is in the center of the flower.


Day-4 (8/17/08) from when the egg was laid.  The caterpillar has eclosed, beginning Day-1 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is just left of center.  The egg from which the caterpillar eclosed is just right of center.  There is another egg just above the center.  The tiny caterpillar is < 0.5mm long.


Day-5 (8/18/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-2 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is 1.5mm long.


Day-6 (8/19/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-3 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar has begun eating a burrow in the very center flower structure part.


Day-7 (8/20/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-4 as a caterpillar.  If you look closely, you can see the caterpillar inside its burrow.  The caterpillar remained inside the burrow for 3 days.


Day-10 (8/23/08 from when the egg was laid, Day-6 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is 3mm long.


Day-12 (8/25/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-8 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is 7mm long.


Day-14 (8/27/08)from when the egg was laid, Day-10 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is 11mm long. 


Day-17 (8-30-08) from when the egg was laid, Day-13 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar is 15mm long.  The caterpillar has darkened and has begun to move off the flower to travel the long distance from the flower, down the stem, across the foil covered glass that holds the flower, down the side of the glass to the bottom of the bug box and into a corner.


Day-19 (9/1/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-15 as a caterpillar.  The caterpillar has shrunken by 1/3 as it is getting ready to form a chrysalis.  The caterpillar is 10mm long.


Day-20 (9/2/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-1 as a chrysalis.


Day-26 (9/8/08) from when the egg was laid, Day 7 as a chrysalis.  I can see no change in the chrysalis from a week ago.


Day-29 (9/11/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-10 as a chrysalis.  There is a slight darkening at both ends of the chrysalis.  Experience has taught me that this indicates the butterfly is getting ready to emerge, soon.


Day-30 (9/12/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-11 as a chrysalis.  The chrysalis has gotten very dark, indicating that emergence is eminent.


Day-30 (9/12/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-11 as a chrysalis.
This is a side photo; all the other chrysalis photos are angled from the top.  I waited until now to roll the chrysalis on its side for a photo, having been afraid I would damage the chrysalis if I had tried this, earlier.

S-LantanaScrub-Hairstreak egg Day-31 Day-12 chrys 9-13-08.jpg

Day-31 (9/13/08) from when the egg was laid, Day-12 in the chrysalis.  The male (males have a white, horizontal line through their wings; females do not have the line) Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon bazochii emerged about an hour ago.

T-LantanaScrub-Hairstreak egg Day-31 Day-12 chrys 9-13-08.jpg

Day-31 (9/13/08) the butterfly was released.
